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15 of 36 Items
  • Status/Condition: Used
  • Serial Number: N/A
  • Part Number: 633E & 980F
  • Category: Attachments
  • Location: Goldfields
Total Price Excluding
$2,500 + GST
  • Status/Condition: Used
  • Serial Number: 94511 and 96412
  • Part Number: Tanks
  • Category: Anfo Kettle
  • Location: Goldfields
Total Price Excluding
$3,500 + GST
  • Status/Condition: Used
  • Serial Number: N/A
  • Part Number: Volvo
  • Category: Attachments
  • Location: Goldfields
Total Price Excluding
$2,500 + GST
  • Status/Condition: N/A
  • Serial Number: N/A
  • Part Number: Volvo
  • Category: Attachments
  • Location: Goldfields
Total Price Excluding
$3,000 + GST
  • Status/Condition: Used
  • Serial Number: N/A
  • Part Number: Volvo
  • Category: Attachments
  • Location: Goldfields
Total Price Excluding
$5,000 + GST
  • Status/Condition: Used
  • Serial Number: N/A
  • Part Number: Volvo
  • Category: Attachments
  • Location: Goldfields
Total Price Excluding
$500 + GST
  • Status/Condition: Used
  • Serial Number: N/A
  • Part Number: Caterpillar
  • Category: Tank Gp
  • Location: Goldfields
Total Price Excluding
$2,000 + GST
  • Status/Condition: Used
  • Serial Number: N/A
  • Part Number: Komatsu
  • Category: Tank Gp
  • Location: Goldfields
Total Price Excluding
$650 + GST
  • Status/Condition: Used
  • Serial Number: N/A
  • Part Number: Tank
  • Category: Tank Gp
  • Location: Goldfields
Total Price Excluding
$400 + GST
  • Status/Condition: Used
  • Serial Number: N/A
  • Part Number: Air Tank
  • Category: Compressors
  • Location: Goldfields
Total Price Excluding
$2,000 + GST
  • Status/Condition: Used
  • Serial Number: N/A
  • Part Number: Sandvik
  • Category: Tank Gp-fuel
  • Location: Goldfields
Total Price Excluding
$1,000 + GST
  • Status/Condition: Used
  • Serial Number: N/A
  • Part Number: Sandvik
  • Category: Tank Gp
  • Location: N/A
Total Price Excluding
$1,500 + GST
  • Status/Condition: Used
  • Serial Number: N/A
  • Part Number: Tanks
  • Category: Tank Gp
  • Location: Goldfields
Total Price Excluding
$500 + GST
  • Status/Condition: Used
  • Serial Number: N/A
  • Part Number: Tanks
  • Category: Tank Gp
  • Location: Goldfields
Total Price Excluding
$1,500 + GST
  • Status/Condition: Used
  • Serial Number: N/A
  • Part Number: Axera
  • Category: Electric Motors
  • Location: N/A
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Established in 2014, Worthy Parts is an internationally recognised platform for sourcing and selling parts, components and machinery across the mining, earthmoving, and construction industries.

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